Welcome to “It’s Gonna Be Great” Comics! You’re in for a good time. Now, let us begin…

You find yourself in a dense forest. Surrounding you are tall and mighty trees, shooting vertically up to meet the sky. All the same size and height, uniform and looming. The canopy creates a kaleidoscope of greens and emeralds that scatter and shimmer on the forest floor as the sun attempts to breach the leafy shield above. You appear to be at a crossroads of sorts. A path left and a path right…

To the left there’s the smell of dairy? Something… milk? A faint aroma of heroics and do-gooding. Notes of Beano and Dandy can be detected and the cartoon-infused BANGS and WHALLOPS can be heard on the wind…

To the right, it seems the colour has been drained from the forest, the shadows sharper, the lighter brighter. There’s that familier heroic scent again but an acrid, burntness cuts through this time, like chaos is the driving force instead of lawfulness. And the trees really look shit. I mean, come on, it looks like a child drew them. Jesus Chr- uhh… I mean… the bark looks withered…?

Make your choice…

Fare well, good traveller. Fare well.

Milk Man Issue 1

Click image to read!

Don’t let the art style lull you into thinking that this is for kid. Mature readers only. Seriously, parents, take a look first. I don’t want you whinging at me because little Timmy saw cartoon brain matter…

Otherwise, enjoy the dairy-based carnage. Suitable for vegetarians. Maybe not vegans.

The Badly Drawn Adventures of Stickman and Stickwoman. BDASS. Written by Jack Freeman-Cullen

The Badly Drawn Adventures of Stickman & Stickwoman Issue 1

Click image to read!

This one is also for mature readers, but mainly because of the swearing and implied “adult hug”… But, y’know, they’re all stickpeople. How bad can it be?

